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Realistic Thoughts on Improving Your Car's MPG

I have done a lot of experiments and have found some things that consistently work and some things that actually hurt your mileage. I am going to describe here what I have found that works and what doesn't work. This is all based on experiments I have performed on my Geo Metro XFi.

DIY DR650 Highway Pegs

DR Highway pegsI have been riding my DR650 for awhile now and I decided it was time to do something about making it more comfortable. There are very few options for highway pegs on the bike so I decided to try making my own.

Configuring Diarist for use with WordPress

For anyone interested in Mobile Blogging I have found one program that works pretty well from a Windows Mobile based phone. Diarist is a very nice app that lets you write a post on your device and it will automatically post to your WordPress site. This is useful for anyone wanting to be able to write a post on their Windows Mobile Phone or PDA then post it without having to use the web based forms to edit and add your posts.