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Geo Metro XFi Hybrid Project Page

Latest Updates Click here for a complete list of all posts for this project I am still in the early stages of this project. It is not quite as ambitious as the total rebuild of my XFi into a convertible body. But it should be…

Start of the Electric Drive Project

So I have been debating on how to build an electric drive "hybrid" setup to the Metro. I think from the talking on that link that I have a good starting point for the project. I don't know exactly how it is going to work…

Geo Metro and Suzuki Swift Wiring Diagrams

The biggest thing most people are missing for these cars is wiring diagrams. I have several diagrams and with what I have it covers a good bit of the wiring combinations in these cars.

Throttle Body Spacer Made

I am getting ready to go back to a stock head on the car. Shaving the head seems to make the car run worse so I can't recommend anyone ever shave the head on these engines. But while the car is apart I might as…