Heading to Geopalooza with my Metro. Live tracking is working.


This weekend is the 3rd Geopalooza where everyone with a Geo Metro gets together and shares stories and ideas. Mostly we just hang out and are lazy. I am heading there like I usually do a day early. I will be hauling my Metro there instead of driving it. The thing is very rough riding and has no real comfort of any sort to make the 6 hour drive bearable. So the next best thing is to put it on a trailer and haul it there on my van.

The plan is to leave early Thursday Morning and get there in time to set up camp before dark. I can unload the car Friday so I can have the trailer ready in case I need to go rescue someone coming in that breaks down. Here is the live tracking page. You can load the page directly by clicking on this link. It doesn't fit well on this page so the link will look way better. Also my phone will upload the pictures as I take them to Picasa so check my Google Buzz feed to see them as I take them http://www.google.com/profiles/thompson9000